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Engineering Solutions

Hydraulic & Pneumatic

Wellhead Control Panel (WHCP) / Emergency Shutdown System is a combination of standard pneumatic, hydraulic, and programmable logic controller (PLC) based logic in a single integrated solution such as Single/Multiple well control panel for both onshore and offshore applications.

The control system can be supplied with various control options ranging from simple Pneumatic based control to completely automated solution with RTU/PLC based (SIL2 or SIL3 rated) safety instrumented systems which can be monitored & operated from remote location.

Enriched with Hydraulic Power Units (HPU) and RTU, our control panels are all engineered, manufactured and tested to meet stringent customer requirements & delivered as a single unit to site.


Wellhead Control Panel
Wellhead Control Panel
Hydraulic Power Unit
Hydraulic Power Unit
Instrument Control Panel
Instrument Control Panel

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