Health, Safety and Environment (HSE)


  • Compliance with HSE standard and requirements

  • Eliminate health and safety incidents and near miss

  • Minimize hazards in the workplace

  • Eliminate loss time injury

Our Policy

  • Compliance with relevant health, safety and environmental legislation

  • Provide adequate control of health safety risks arising from work activities

  • Provide information, instructions and supervisions for employees.

  • Maintain a safe and healthy working environment for all employees, contractors, visitors, and the local community.

  • Ensure all employees are competent to perform their tasks and to provide them adequate training.

  • Review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals.

  • Maintain a high level of awareness, motivation, and training for employees.

  • Prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health.

  • Strive for continual improvement in health, safety, and environment performance.

Stop Work Policy