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Health, Safety & Environment


Compliance with HSE Standards and Requirement

Minimize hazards in the workplace

Eliminate Health,Safety Incidents and near miss

Eliminate Loss Time Injury


Compliance with relevant health, safety and environmental legislation.

Maintain a safe and healthy working environment for all employees, contractors, visitors and the local community.

Maintain a high level of awareness, motivation and training for employees.

Provide adequate control of health and safety risks arising from work activities.

Ensure all employees are competent to perform their tasks and to provide them adequate training.

Prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health.

Provide information, instructions and supervisions for employees.

Review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals.

Strive for continual improvement in health, safety and environment performance.


‘Stop Work’ shall be applied if any situation arises due to an unsafe action or behavior or omission or non-action of any party involved in the operation, and if such situation were permitted to continue, may potentially lead to the occurrence of an incident which may lead to personal injury or damage to Company asset.

    HSE Committee of Trisystems Group of Companies – irrespective of his/her position/seniority/discipline has the right and duty to apply the ‘Stop Work’ Policy, if in his/her opinion or judgement, such activity is deemed to be an unsafe or risky behavior.

      There shall be no blame or fault put on any HSE Committee calling for a ‘Stop Work’ order even if, upon investigation, the ‘Stop Work’ order was deemed unnecessary.

        The ‘Stop Work’ order must be applied in good faith.

          Timing is a critical factor. There should not be any delay in calling for a ‘Stop Work’ order in the need arises.

            Copyright © 2021 TRISYSTEMS

            " Honesty . Committed . Mutual Trust & Respect"

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